TAN Bailleul 2018

TAN Bailleul 2018

Dec 8, 2018 TAN

Test d'Aptitude Naturelle

pooring rain when we arrive at Bois de Fréchencourt in France.
It's quiet in the forest and there are no other people yet.
The gates to the hunting cabin are closed and it's almost time...
Finally the other dogs and owners arrive and after a speech we all head towards the forest.

Nanou has a great run! Off leash she disappears into the thick bushes and a short while later we hear one of the hunters shoot.
Word gets out he has seen her point the bird and that she did a perfect job.
Now some more running and searching to do before the judge tells us its done.

At the end of the trial there was another speech and they encouraged us to continue our work with Nanou, cause she did so well.

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